Subject: IMCDb memes
01/01/2024 @ 18:03:28: rjluna2: IMCDb memes
01/01/2024 @ 18:38:01: Baube: IMCDb memes
01/01/2024 @ 19:30:48: night cub: IMCDb memes
That's why I've learned to look first at IMDB before going through the capping process. It happens to admins too!
01/01/2024 @ 19:40:24: atom: IMCDb memes
That have defentelly happen to me too...
...or when you do the caps and then spend several days doing research on all the cars and someone uploads the entire movie with all the entries as unknown in just a few minutes...
02/01/2024 @ 10:38:53: antp: IMCDb memes
I already had the case too long time ago (both: existing movie, or someone else adding it in the meantime)
To solve both issues it is good to create the movie page before doing the captures :grin: (with possibly a comment saying that captures will be added soon)
02/01/2024 @ 18:43:38: Gamer: IMCDb memes

So, so many times...
07/01/2024 @ 13:24:51: Lateef: IMCDb memes
07/01/2024 @ 15:17:38: rjluna2: IMCDb memes
Oh, yeah :grin: Ever complicated codes for these vehicles, the harder to differentiate between them.
18/01/2024 @ 20:59:28: Gamer: IMCDb memes
I discussed this with Sandie years ago, but it still makes a great meme:
19/01/2024 @ 13:37:44: rjluna2: IMCDb memes
19/01/2024 @ 22:36:18: QueenMDX: IMCDb memes
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