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[Done] Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:07:53, By mike962
here my shots of this low budget muscle car centererd road movie

1 star

2 starsminor action vehicle, the bue Mustang with white stripes

2 stars car on the right, looks like a Camaro , in this scene there are some funny cars (dragster) but too dark to make any ID

2 stars, used by side character very briefly

Latest Edition: 11/11/2011 @ 13:30:05
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:11:55, By mike962
same pickup from rear

and front

2 stars tow truck on the left, the one on the right 1 star

Latest Edition: 09/11/2011 @ 09:03:25
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:13:35, By mike962
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:16:44, By mike962
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:22:00, By mike962
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:22:50, By mike962
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:29:04, By mike962
3 stars driven by side characters , really UGLY car, lincoln ?

Latest Edition: 09/11/2011 @ 09:27:35
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:29:47, By mike962
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:32:20, By mike962
pickup gets 2 stars, minor action vehile
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:34:51, By mike962
yellow car in the background 1 star (just a traffic car ) but looks pretty cool, Pontiac GTO perhaps

Latest Edition: 09/11/2011 @ 08:57:41
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:38:42, By mike962
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:40:21, By mike962
2 stars for police car, AMC Matatdor I assume

Latest Edition: 09/11/2011 @ 08:41:05
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:43:07, By mike962
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:46:08, By mike962
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 08:49:52, By mike962
that's about it, I didn't bother with the majortiy of traffic/ background cars the rest is here listed

Have fun ID them and put them on the main

Latest Edition: 09/11/2011 @ 09:36:28
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 09/11/2011 @ 13:48:24, By Sandie
Yellow [*] is a Jensen Interceptor :love: maybe an S3.

I think the weird background car is a Honda 600.
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Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)
Published 11/11/2011 @ 13:29:43, By vilero

Remember leave us a link with the IMDB link if the movie is not already listed on the site or, if it's listed, as this one, the link on IMCDB. Thanks.

Latest Edition: 11/11/2011 @ 17:10:07
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