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[Done] Learners - 2007 Made for TV
Published 17/01/2009 @ 22:23:23, By twingoman
Pics zipped and e-mailed

IMDB link:

This was repeated on a UK digital channel last weekend, so I don't know if anyone else has already captured images from it.

Latest Edition: 06/03/2009 @ 13:46:01
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Learners - 2007 Made for TV
Published 25/02/2009 @ 19:41:42, By vilero
Pics zipped and e-mailed
IMDB link:
This was repeated on a UK digital channel last weekend, so I don't know if anyone else has already captured images from it.

As your pics will be submited by others admin, wait and check "Learners" in the site.
Until today nobody has submited images of it. Until then the post is sended to Old Contributions (archive)
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[Done] Learners - 2007 Made for TV
Published 26/02/2009 @ 10:29:58, By antp
What do you mean by "by other admins"?
While the movie is not added, it is maybe better to keep this in "active" contributions
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[Done] Learners - 2007 Made for TV
Published 26/02/2009 @ 12:48:49, By vilero
What do you mean by "by other admins"?
While the movie is not added, it is maybe better to keep this in "active" contributions

No thanks :crazy: , it's enough with "normal" post of contributions. I sended to the archive because the pics were mailed to contrib@ (I suppose) so there you'll submit in the site and this post hasn't reason to be here or, at least, I thought that.
But I have no problem in send it again to "contributions" but remember remove it when the movie is in the site in future.

The same
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Learners - 2007 Made for TV
Published 06/03/2009 @ 13:45:39, By vilero
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