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[Done] Custom cars in After Sunset:The Life & Times of the Drive-In Theater
Published 12/10/2011 @ 15:13:22, By Ddey65
I'm so proud I've posted vehicles in the documentary After Sunset: The Life and Times of the Drive-In Theater. The thing is, I may be ready to declare this done a little sooner than I expected. One of the problems I'm having is with some unknown hot rods, custom cars and even a non-custom car.

For starters, there's this 1956 Ford. But I don't know if it's a sedan or station wagon. This is the only shot of it.

Latest Edition: 03/11/2011 @ 10:23:14
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Custom cars in After Sunset:The Life & Times of the Drive-In Theater
Published 12/10/2011 @ 15:14:21, By Ddey65
Next, there's this customized roadster.

Latest Edition: 12/10/2011 @ 15:15:54
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Custom cars in After Sunset:The Life & Times of the Drive-In Theater
Published 12/10/2011 @ 15:17:54, By Ddey65
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Custom cars in After Sunset:The Life & Times of the Drive-In Theater
Published 12/10/2011 @ 15:20:06, By Ddey65
I thought this looked somewhat Chrysler-ish at first, but now I say it just has a mish-mosh of parts thrown onto it.
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Custom cars in After Sunset:The Life & Times of the Drive-In Theater
Published 12/10/2011 @ 15:21:52, By Ddey65
I'm thinking early-1930's Ford with this one.
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Custom cars in After Sunset:The Life & Times of the Drive-In Theater
Published 12/10/2011 @ 15:24:38, By Ddey65
At some point, I also want to try to capture an Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme coupe from the 1980's that I say there, and maybe some others. But perhaps the rest of you can give clear ID's for some of these.
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Custom cars in After Sunset:The Life & Times of the Drive-In Theater
Published 13/10/2011 @ 10:32:25, By antp
you know that you can simply add them as "unknown" on the site if you can't identify them yourself? :grin:
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Custom cars in After Sunset:The Life & Times of the Drive-In Theater
Published 13/10/2011 @ 19:06:08, By Ddey65
I still hoped that they could all be identified here before I posted them there.
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Custom cars in After Sunset:The Life & Times of the Drive-In Theater
Published 30/10/2011 @ 17:47:13, By Ddey65
Since I already added some unknowns to Ride the Wild Surf and Victorious, I decided to add these anyhow. I still don't like adding unknowns. Good luck trying to identify them.

Latest Edition: 30/10/2011 @ 17:48:37
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